Where are all the Characters Now ?

orig. Box FoundersThe problem with evolution is that it keeps evolving. Take a look at the originlal’s at Box Destilleri in 2009 and you must ask the question, “where is everyone now” ? Very tragically one of the persons in the photo….Per de Vahl….died in a roof fall accident whilst doing some clearing work on the home in Sundsvall 3 years ago.

Of the rest in the photo only 2 remain actively involved in the company, ….Mats de Vahl (Left hand side) And Thomas Larsson MD (Right hand side) The remaing 5 including myself now have little or no direct involvement nowadays.

Such is life, as it continues to evolve in the Right direction or otherwise, and only in the fullness of that evolution will the answer evolve.



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John McDougall