looking to the future
2017 is a watershed year for me, because I have taken the Very conscious decision to work on into infinity.
I have given much considered thought before arriving at the conclusion that I might, (only just might!), be in a position to continue my business activities — possibly even expand them — whilst also helping other, probably younger people to get a footing, then hopefully a grip in this great industry we call THE WHISK(E)Y INDUSTRY. Too often younger people are ignored and therefore we have most likely not made the most of of our most valuable resource…..i.e. people!
I hope that in some small way that I might be able to continue to contribute some of my knowledge and expertise gained over more than 50 years association with this industry. Money is important of course, and making money is quite agreeable, but the fulfilment of one’s total ambitions I believe would be the ultimate prize, which unfortunately most human beings never achieve, but we must always give it our best shot.