I was in Poland for a few days recently, doing some consulting work. It was my first visit to Poland and although I only saw a tiny part of the country it was rather beautiful.
Of course it always helps when the sun shines, and it most certainly did on this occasion.
We flew in to Cracow then motored 140 Kms. to Jasienica a small town below the mountains near the the border with the Czech Republic.
The work involved looking at several issues connected with the production and presentation of spirituous products which was fascinating for me and hopefully educational & beneficial for my Client.
The variety of things that I do in the Spirits Business is not only educational for me too, but is most stimulating, and importantly great fun also.
It is a privelege for me to be asked to do such things, and I am grateful to All of my Clients who place their trust in me to do a good job for them.